That’s normal

Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles

That's normal advertising campaign secondfloor

Our challenge

220.000 students could be in a precarious situation during their studies. There is help available, set up by the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, but it is not known enough. Asking for help can be difficult for different reasons: “I don’t dare to”, “I am not legitimate”, “I’m ashamed of it”.

Our solution

Our concept is built on the simplicity of asking for help. We emphasize the fact that, in their lives, students easily ask around for help and that they can do the same with the FWB. The statement “demander de l’aide, c’est normal” is strong, expressing both logic and simplicity but also legitimacy and is understandable by all, including parents.

It's a wrap
for this case,
but don't miss out
on the others !