Our challenge
We have to be honest: in a big region like Brussels, we kind of got used to seeing litter on the streets here and there. It’s as if we have forgotten how good a clean neighbourhood can feel. It really has an effect on the overall well-being of the community.

Our solution
We turned a clean neighborhood into a boost to everyone’s well-being. By stepping up as a Clean-Up Ambassador, citizens can feel proud again about their neighbourhood, while inspiring and educating other people around them. This creates a shared sense of responsibility. By cleaning up a neighborhood together, it becomes a nicer place for everyone to enjoy, increasing the well-being of all inhabitants. And let’s not forget Clean-Up Ambassadors complement the cleaning teams of the city perfectly. Yes, we’re all in this together.

It's a wrap for this case, but don't miss out on the others!

+32 2 340 86 00
Louizalaan 222 Av. Louise
1050 Brussels